Fast Facts
- Active Camper House holds in the U.S. in 2021: 84+ Million
- Year over Year growth on in Camping house holds: 2.7 million
- Number of households who camped at least once in 2020: over 43 million
- Since mid-2000’s increase in households that camp 3 times per year: 82%
- 11% of U.S. households own an R.V.
- R.V. Industry impacts the U.S. economy to the tune of $114 billion dollars
- It is projected that 61 million Americans will go RV’ing in the next 12 months
- RV’s can cost between $6,000 to $1,000,000!
- RV vacations can cost over 60% LESS than traditional vacations
- 98% of the RV’s sold in the U.S. are U.S. manufactured
- 54% of RV’er’s bring their pets with family
- Over 1 million Americans use an RV as their “primary residence”
The idea of “campgrounds’ has been around since the 1920’s, and saw its broadest impact on America in the mid 1950’s. The last decade has been remarkable growth. From Gen Z teens, to baby boomers (and beyond!) a whole new, diverse expansion has taken place. And this calls for locations! Resorts, parks, campgrounds….. all necessary as destinations for this growing population of families looking to participate in the great outdoors. This is where the demand is! For this constantly expanding market, the need is there for places to go, things to do. It need allow families and individuals alike a safe, exciting experience of “camping” but with all the comforts and technology of home away from home.